How are you going to spend ¥100,000 which the Japanese government plans to give you? Every person may have a different answer to this question. However, 70% of ordinary Japanese are going to spend the money to pay utility bills and necessities such as food and other items of daily use.
We personally know quite a few people who have been struggling to make ends meet during this difficult time.
As all of us, the Muslims, are spending time fasting during Ramadan and performing Taraweeh to please Allah, may we suggest you donate at least some of the money you are going to receive from the Japanese government to the people who need your help in Japan and around the world? This sadaqah or donation, Insha Allah, will bring you great rewards from Allah.
We can not tell you exactly which organizations to give your charity during these difficult times. You may want to contact your local masjid to get the details of how and where you should give your donations. Insha Allah will reward you immensely for this kind act.
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