Halal Japan plans to introduce more and more halal restaurants and products from all over Japan regularly. However, for us to be able to give you all that info on the halal industry in Japan, we ask you, our valued readers and visitors of the site, to engage with us regularly. We expect you to ask questions on various topics of interest, provide us info about any halal restaurants and products you would like to introduce, or enquire about any halal product offerings, Japanese food manufacturers may have. We will, Insha Allah, try our best to provide you the required info as soon as we can and with as much accuracy as is humanly possible.
Being the oldest and most reliable website on the halal industry in Japan which started providing info on the Japanese halal industry in 2013, we truly believe that providing accurate info about the halal products and restaurants in the country is important for our readers, the Muslims, who want to spend their time in Japan while eating genuine halal food. These are the people who want to consume halal products only. That is the single most important objective of this website. In our opinion, the accuracy of the halal info should take precedence over anything including business.
Now, we need your active cooperation, to engage with us to exchange information about various halal restaurants and halal products from all over Japan. Please come on-board, and write engaging content for the most trusted site on the Japanese halal industry. We will publish it under your name and introduce you to the Muslim community in Japan and around the world through this website.
Give us suggestions on how to improve this website. Please let us know what more info you would like us to cover on these pages. What are the topics which are important from your perspective and what else should we cover? How would we improve this site? Insha Allah, we will welcome all valuable suggestions and try to implement all the useful ideas provided by you.
The best way to reach us, to ask questions, or write for us, is to send us an email message at info@halaljapan.com. Insha Allah, we will get back to you with our reply as soon as possible. Let us stay tuned to improve the halal industry in Japan.
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