These are trying times for us all, whether Muslims or not. Millions of families in Japan have been severely affected by unprecedented government orders to shut all schools nationwide to combat the deadly coronavirus. The authorities have been urging people to revise their travel plans and restrict their movements. The government has called for the cancellation of large-scale public gatherings and events such as trade shows and concerts, and sports matches as well.
If you are visiting Japan, we urge you to limit your movement and stay at a place where you do not have to face large gatherings. As many countries have recently revised their travel advisories to Japan, you may want to go back to your country as it is quite likely that some famous tourist spots in the country may also close their doors at least temporarily.
It was quite shocking for us to know earlier today, that Saudi Arabia has also banned foreign pilgrimages from visiting either Mecca or Madina over coronavirus fears. Earlier today, it was reported that a Japanese tourist guide was confirmed as coronavirus case for 2nd time, weeks after initial recovery.
These days, it may be difficult for you to enjoy going here and there as a tourist as many transportation companies may also shut down their services temporarily. considering a significant curb. The cosnequences for the Japanese government and businesses related to the travel and hospitality industry are going to be severe,. But, unfortunately, not much can be done regarding this. The japanese government and other related bodies are doing whatever they can to contain and combat the deadly virus. So, what are the options left for you as a tourist?
As Muslims, we have to pray to Allah to forgive all our sins. May Allah protect us all from this deadly virus. As halal japan care about the safety of all our readers and their family members, we urge you to think seriously about the situation and act accordingly.
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