On April 16, 2020, Pizza Hut Japan told us via email that none of their products sold anywhere in Japan was halal. So, Muslims should not eat any of their pizzas according to their statement.
Following is a simplified translation of what they stated in the email message. None of their products is compliant with halal principles. Although, the bread which is the base of their pizza, does not have any problem. But, it does contain sausage crust which is, of course, not halal. They use the same cooking utensils for all types of pizza they make in their shops.
Moreover, for disinfecting the utensils, they use industrial alcohol. In our personal opinion, the use of industrial alcohol may be acceptable for Muslims because that is industrial alcohol. According to Imam Abu Hanifa, that is perhaps allowed. But, the reason they use the same utensils for making all types of pizzas, we suggest our Muslim brothers and sisters not to eat any pizza made by Pizza Hut anywhere in Japan.
Just to reaffirm as to what they stated to us, we are copying the statement we received from in response to our request to verify whether any of their pizzas were OK to consume for Muslims in Japan.
ハラールジャパン 様
Dr. Basem Abdullah
It is appricated if you can show your email to them. As the answer will depend on the question.
Jazak Allah, Thank you for the suggestion. However, the problem is that I talked to them initially over the phone. Staff from Pizza Hut told me the points they have described in their message. Then I suggested to them to reply to me in writing. They asked me to fill out an online form on their website. In response to that question, they have replied to me the answer which I have pasted in our blog post.
Thank you for the info. However I think that such matter should be escalated to authorities in order to be taken into account from them.